TaKtiX: Laurence J Sinclair

Laurence J Sinclair has been playing the Warlord CCG since the release of the game - mainly thanks to that killer Rathe art. He even stuck with it through that dark time involving Campaign Rathe art. Now he is a playtester and a member of the Warlord Story Team - guiding the armies of the Accordlands into an uncertain future.


Epic Level

It's been a while.

Still, Epic has now truly arrived, and random 'pack wars' using the Battle Packs have turned out to be really fun. Sure, a few of the warlords are a little stronger in this format than others (Go go Cairbre Netheryn!), but not overwhelmingly so.

This coming Sunday shall be the first constructed Epic tournament that I'll be taking part in, down Barnstaple way. The current thoughts shredding their way through my brain are 'which warlord to use?'.

Sure, FreeKs are powerful right now, but everyone will be playing them. I've never been one to follow the crowd, and this is one area where I'll be standing my ground. Same reason why I won't be trying Tavis.

An old stand-by that I always used (besides re-iterating Lord Netheryn, which ain't possible anymore) was to go with the latest Elf warlord to be released. Faction loyalty, and all that. But that would mean giving in to Etra Bloodvine, who isn't nearly as interesting as her mafioso Spycraft namesakes. It has to be something fun.

The Bloody Countess is one warlord whose deck I've been enjoying immensely. It would also provide an opportunity to speak unto my opponents and Dev-style throughout the tournament, which would be great.

Then again, I was fortunate enough to pull a foil Black Tom from a booster, and the temptation to play the assassin just to have the card sitting on the table before me is strong. I have no idea what I'd do with him at the moment, but such details can always be hammered out later. Probably something revolving around Ssithiss, given how reliable ol' SS-SAURTH!!! has now left the building. For that reason, I may just go with Allisara and centre the entire deck around the lizard king.

There's always the possibility of going back to the NoThRoG, just to prove to everyone that they're not as bad as all that. Choosing between Brikta and Syvonne will be a matter of whether I feel like smashing or burning stuff closer ot the time.

One certainty: not dwarves. Not while I live.

Well, there's always Friday card evening to try out some ideas, see what Dyer is plannin' on playin' and then meta against it. If in doubt...


What do I stick all this excess XP, koku and Ghost Rock to? I don't want to have the package weighing too much when tI send it off to the US.


SS-SAURTH!!! is gone from Epic. But he shall not be forgotten. I shall back a deck in him. I have enough copies, but they're from vastly differing printings of the dude, leaving me at a loss. Guess I'll have to persuade people to hand over their Campaign printings to me, but how?


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